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Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Poem for my Daughter

By Sarah Droegemueller, copyright 2015

You are a princess, of infinite worth.
You are a princess, God sent you to earth,
To work and to learn, to struggle, to cry,
To want to give up, but then always to try!

You are my princess, beautiful, divine!
You are special, unique, and luckily, mine!
Today as you smile and you give it your best,
Remember your worth, and you'll have success!

This is a poem I wrote for my beautiful daughter when she was having a discouraging week at school. I want her (and every young girl) to know just how special they are in their families and to their communities. As the picture shows, she came through her struggle okay and made the honor roll! She's amazing and I love her dearly!

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